Why Managing Your Weight Is So Important If You're Planning To Get Pregnant

While being overweight is common and acceptance of different body types is growing, for women who want to get pregnant, weight is actually something that needs to be managed more. This is because carrying too much weight and being obese can make getting pregnant and being pregnant much harder. It can also affect your child years into the future. For help with weight management, you'll need to consult different people such as dietitians, but your OBGYN can help as well, by monitoring your weight, explaining what the extra weight can do to your chances of a healthy pregnancy, and letting you know if you're in a range where pregnancy is more or less risky.

Six Options Your OBGYN Might Recommend For Treatment Of Abnormal Bleeding

Experiencing abnormal vaginal or uterine bleeding can be both frustrating and scary. However, it's important for patients to know that there are many treatment possibilities that can successfully correct this problem and restore a patient's quality of life.  When you see an OBGYN for treatment of abnormal bleeding, your doctor can recommend numerous options to you so that you can opt for whichever treatment you're most comfortable with. The following are six options your OBGYN might recommend to you for invasive abnormal bleeding treatment.